Fighting COVID-19 and the Chinese Journal Review
Dear Readers,
As many of you know, writing and maintaining the Chinese Journal Review has been a side project for me. For the next few weeks to months, I need to put it on hiatus.
That is because when I am not writing CJR, I am the Global Director for Emergency Response at a Silicon Valley technology company, Zenysis, which is helping countries fight COVID-19.
In the last two weeks, we have received requests for support from governments in more than 20 countries. We help governments by rapidly standing up virtual Control Rooms that can integrate any number of siloed data sources into a unified platform for decision-making, often in as little as 24 hours. This technology integrates hospital and patient data, supply chain data, workforce information, airline manifests, laboratory data, contact tracing data, and finance data, among others.
By giving leaders a global view of the epidemic and response, they can better coordinate government action, keep the public informed, and fight the epidemic in a smart, data-driven way.
For example, one government is currently using these capabilities to make data-driven decisions about where to distribute ventilators. They do this by triangulating real-time patient data with the number of ventilators presently available at every health facility so that they can balance demand and supply. You can see other ways we support governments by clicking here.
If you are a more visual learner, you are welcome to take a look at this webinar I delivered last week with my colleagues on how governments can use big data to fight COVID-19 as effectively as possible:
Before I sign off, a request:
Zenysis recently secured $1 million in matching funds to provide in-kind support for governments in the fight against COVID-19.
We obligated almost all of this money within five days, but we continue to receive requests from governments every day. If you or your firm want to play an active role in the response by contributing to this matching fund, please write to with the subject line: “Ready to Help.” Please provide your name and phone number and someone from our team will contact you.
Finally, if you are affiliated with a government and would like to understand how we can support you, please contact me directly by responding to this email or writing to me at
My time for CJR will be limited for now. When life gets back to normal, I hope to pick up where I left off.
Stay safe. All for now,